I help women feel

Strong, Confident & Healthy

Without restrictive diets or spending hours in the gym….

by focusing on their mindset & daily habits that drive sustainable change through my program


“A complete 4-stage journey that will take you from hopeless and stuck to confident and empowered.”

She lost 12 lbs, 2 inches from her hips

and 4 inches from her waist in 5 months

“The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that I feel more in control of my time and the path to meeting my goals.”

What You Get with The Optimized You Blueprint

Coaching & Guidance

Gone are the days of trying to figure out what you should do to reach your goal!  

You’ll finally have a solution for how to accomplish your goal through customized nutrition/workouts.  

You’ll have constant accountability and support for when your life gets busy (because it will get busy!). 

When you’re in these busy periods, you’ll have an easy plan to follow to make sure you can still work toward your goal.

Nutrition & Workouts

Say goodbye to decision fatigue!  Based on your goals, activity level and experience, you will receive a simple, easy blueprint that tells you exactly what to do.  

No food is off limits!  I will work with you to create meals you enjoy that work toward your goal.

You’ll know exactly what workouts to do and they will be customized to your ability, body and time limit. 

Fit Community

You’ll join an online community with others who have the same mission as you.  

It’s an additional level of accountability and support where I do weekly training reinforcing some key mindset practices and where members share their weekly wins.

All the Tools You Need

I take the confusion, stress and guesswork out of losing weight. 

My goal is to equip women with the tools to never need another coach again. 

At the end of my 16-week program, you will have a full understanding of what your body needs nutritionally for your goal, what exercises work for your body, how to manage stress and how to bulletproof your mindset so you can handle anything that comes your way.

HEY! I’m Dee Vega

I’ve been coaching women for 12 years, in-person and online.  Over the years, I have accrued a wealth of…

  • Knowledge via degrees (M.S. in Kinesiology), certifications (ACE CPT, PN1, PN2), seminars, conferences, and books

  • Hands-on experience working with clients

  • Learning from my own trial and error

I know firsthand what it’s like trying to balance family, work, relationships, kids’ activities, grocery shopping….the list goes on!

We are busier than ever and to do everything we need to get done on a daily basis, we often put our physical and mental health on the back burner.

It doesn’t seem like a big deal at first.

So many people you know do this and this is just the way it is as we get older and take on more responsibilities. But over time, that stress builds, your happiness fades and you wonder if there’s a better way. I mean, there has to be…right?

The answer is YES, there is a better way.  It does in fact exist.  

I teach women how to juggle their career, family time, and everything else life throws at them so they can transform into happier, stronger and more confident versions of themselves.

Say goodbye to fad diets, and the word diet in general, and hello to becoming the confident, strong, bad ass woman you were meant to be!

Talk soon,


For at least 16 weeks, I’ll walk you through your lifestyle transformation journey 

Stage 1: 2-Part Coaching Session

This step is FREE. 
We’ll figure out the current state of your health and fitness.  We’ll discuss your current lifestyle, what your goals are and discover any roadblocks standing in your way.  We’ll then map out a plan based off of your goals and your current situation.

Stage 2: The

Once within the program, you will receive access to my mobile app with your step-by-step blueprint to your plan. 

We’ll have an onboarding meeting to go over your path together so you will be ready to rock your first week.

Stage 3: Your New Beginning

Weeks 1-5 focus on establishing habits that support your new lifestyle. 

During this recalibration period, you (along with my guidance and support) work on integrating these new habits into your lifestyle, setting your foundation for sustainable, permanent weight loss.

Stage 4: The

You’ll start to see your body change and progress being made. 

My focus at this point is to keep you consistently doing the best you can.  It’s never about being perfect.  It’s always about getting better in some way, shape, or form each and every day.  Remember, Consistency + Time = SUCCESS


“A complete 4-stage journey that will take you from hopeless and stuck to confident and empowered.”


I’m currently accepting new clients.

The Optimized You Blueprint: Step-by-step plan to get you feeling and looking your best.

Customized Nutrition Coaching: Know exactly how to eat in a way that best suits your preferences, goals and lifestyle.  It’s easy to follow and includes an amazing restaurant friendly guide.

Customized Training Program: Know exactly what to do for your workouts based off your schedule and ability level.

Unlimited 1-on-1 Support: You’ll be able to message me anytime for anything you need.  I’m right there with you every step of the way.

1-on-1 Weekly Coaching Calls: Each week we will have a 1-on-1 call to recap the past week, celebrate your wins, address any struggles and go over the weekly focus to get you in the right mindset for the coming week.

Access to My App: Have your daily action steps, workouts and every other resource available all in one place.  

Additional Tools: Gain access to nutritional trainings, mindset trainings, made for you grocery shopping lists, plate guides and much more.

Trailblazers Only VIP Facebook Group: Gain access to my supportive online community. Be surrounded by other women who are looking to level up just like you. Get additional mindset reinforcements with my weekly group coaching calls, ask questions and engage with other members to cultivate the experience you want to have.


Don’t let more time pass as you wait another 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years trying to figure out how to lose the weight once and for all. 

Time is the one resource we can’t get back.   There will never be a perfect time to start working on you.  The perfect time is NOW

You can do it…all you need to do is TAKE ACTION.